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Uh oh!


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Push the pedal on the right. Higher speeds = lower travel time = less cars on roads at any given time.

Why Traffic Jams Happen width=
Via: Car Insurance Guide

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I remember!

I remember very few things from my childhood. But I remember vividly the day my dad returned on leave from the Vietnam War. Tanned nearly black, lean and mean, thick black hair and mustache. And so happy to see me. What I didn’t know at the time: My father flew 125 night missions over the Ho Chi Mihn Trail. Half of his squadron never returned. Some kids never saw their dad again. But I did, and I will never forget.

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Warn a Brother! I love it!

I was walking on the Vegas strip and saw this. It even matches the original Trapster Web site color scheme!



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In remembrance

of my father, who passed away this week – and all those who dedicate their lives to defend our freedom. He was a military man through and through. Most of all he was a kind, loving, man. I will miss him dearly.

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Chicago! Whoa!Tallest building in the US!

Tallest building in the US!

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Great start to the day

The new Patrol(TM) feature shows if another user has travelled on the road ahead of you.  5:39AM on my commute to Trapster HQ – already other users driving I-5!

Patrol at 5AM!

Patrol at 5AM!

Forty three friends, five days in Guadalajara and Jalisco, for one friend’s 50th birthday. An experience too amazing to describe by words or photographs. It changed my life forever. We are only here for a moment. Live life!


Breathtaking. From the office window.


After 13 years working almost 100% from home, I’m very grateful to have an office. And oh what a great place this is!